Gain significant visibility and enhance your corporate image
Generate tangible business leads and expand your contact base
Gain significant visibility and enhance your corporate image
Establish Business Relationships
Distinguish your brand
Partnership Packages

- One 20 Minute Speaker Slot
- One Panelist Slot
- Supreme Branding at the Forum
- Branding on the Stage Backdrop & Podium
- One Big Table Space at the Venue
- Meeting Room
- 5 – one on one meeting from speakers list
- Brochure/ literature inserts in the delegate bag
- Branding on all pre event marketing communications
- Online branding presence on event websites
- Two standee at the venue
- Complimentary delegate passes to the forum - Five
- Complete delegate lists after the event

- One 15 Minute Speaker
- One Panelist Slot
- Branding on the Stage Backdrop
- Brochure/ literature inserts in the delegate bag
- Branding on all pre event marketing communications
- Online branding presence on event website
- One Table Space at the Venue
- One standee at the venue
- Complimentary delegate passes to the forum - Four
- Complete delegate lists after the event

- One Panelist Slot
- 2 Minutes video display (All Breaks)
- Branding on the Stage Backdrop
- Brochure/ literature inserts in the delegate bag
- Branding on all pre event marketing communications
- Online branding presence on event website
- One Table Space at the Venue
- Complimentary delegate passes to the forum - Three
- Complete delegate lists after the event

- One Panelist Slot
- Branding on the Stage Backdrop
- Brochure/ literature inserts in the delegate bag
- Branding on all pre event marketing communications
- Online branding presence on event website
- Complimentary delegate passes to the forum - Two
- Complete delegate lists after the event

- Supreme Branding on the Delegate Bag
- Branding on the Stage Backdrop
- Brochure/ literature inserts in the delegate bag
- Branding on all pre event marketing communications
- Online branding presence on event website
- Complimentary delegate passes to the forum - Two
- Complete delegate lists after the event

- Supreme Branding on the Lanyard
- Branding on the Stage Backdrop
- Brochure/ literature inserts in the delegate bag
- Branding on all pre event marketing communications
- Online branding presence on event website
- Complimentary delegate passes to the forum- One

- Branding on the Trophy
- Supreme Branding on the Stage Backdrop
- Brochure/ literature inserts in the delegate bag
- Branding on all pre event marketing communications
- Online branding presence on event website
- Complimentary delegate passes to the forum – Three
- Complete delegate lists after the event